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20 Interesting facts about diamonds

It is not possible to deny that diamonds are a traditional symbol of romance and love. How much do you really know about diamonds?

Diamonds and gold the symbols of wealth and luxury

Diamonds and gold have long been regarded as two of the most coveted symbols of wealth and luxury. For many women, the allure of these precious materials goes beyond their monetary value, and speaks to a deeper sense of beauty, romance, and devotion.

50% off the finest diamonds

Diamond and gold are two of the most precious objects in the world. Over the years, diamonds have served different purposes but are a symbol of love, beauty and wealth.

Films and Diamonds

There have been several captivating movies that revolve around diamonds. Here are some notable films that explore the world of diamonds.

Unlocking the Sparkle: Unveiling the Potential of Investing in Diamonds

Investing in precious stones has always fascinated individuals seeking alternative investment avenues.Among the glittering options available, diamonds stand out as a timeless investment choice.

Diamonds, legends, and myths

During the passage of time, diamonds have fascinated mankind with their charming beauty and supernatural beliefs. Since their discovery around 2500 BC, these valued gems have been part of many myths and legends from different cultures across the world and have always been seen as having virtues such as strength, wealth, power, and love.

7 Characteristics to Keep in Mind When Buying a Diamond

Buying a diamond is an investment. It can be overwhelming and exhausting, but with the 7 characteristics that we will present to you, you will think like a professional jeweler and decide easier which diamond to purchase.

What do diamond shapes tell about your personality?

The shape of your diamond says a lot about you. Different shapes match different personalities, and finding the right one to match your personality is important when you are choosing your diamond ring.

Your birthstone according to the month you are born

Having the perfect piece of jewelry means more when you can personalize it. Below, you will find all the gemstones for your birth month.

The Most Remarkable Movie Engagement Rings That Make You Pause The TV

Most of our time we spent watching movies or TV series. In one of them, we have always seen a great proposal or engagement ring that has caught our eye.


Are you planning on getting engaged this autumn, but you don’t know which ring is right for you? With these 5 rings, you will say Yes to your person and to the ring.